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OPERA, Inc. unveils $560,000 renovation plan; first phase of overall plan to fully restore historic Opera House

OPERA, Inc. – Organization of People in Ellendale for Restoration of the Arts – today announced plans to raise $560,000 to complete the renovation of street-level storefronts of the historic Ellendale Opera House to attract commercial tenants back to the key Main Street building.

The work would be the first phase of a multi-year plan to fully restore the landmark, listed on the National Register of Historic Places.


CLICK HERE to download the first phase of the Opera House renovation plan.


CLICK HERE to download a pledge form to donate to the capital campaign.


Historic photo exhibit opening Sept. 8

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The Ellendale Opera House and its services are available to all persons without discrimination as to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, or physical or mental disability.

O.P.E.R.A., Inc. is an equal opportunity provider.